White Pitbulls
White Pitbull Info
The White Pitbull is the most sought after color in the Pitbull world. However, there are various other color varieties of the Pitbull (i.e. Black Pitbulls, Red Pitbulls, and Blue (gray) Pitbulls). The color of their coat is often what people seek out when considering adoption.

Judging a dog by his appearance should be the least important factor as coat color or pattern has nothing to do with their personality or temperament.
Adopting a White Pitbull should be done because the owner bonded with the pup and was attracted to the personality displayed by the dog that happened to have white fur. Unfortunately, this is very rarely the case for those who seek out Pitbull puppies for adoption.
The Moo Moo Pitbull
The Moo Moo Pitbull refers to a particular coat pattern of White Pitbull that includes dark brown, tan, brindle, fawn or black patches. These spots can cover the entire dog’s coat or simply appear around one of the dog’s eyes.
The patches resemble that of a dairy cow, hence the name! The Moo Moo Pitbulls tend to be the most popular White Pitbull variety, even though their coat pattern appears to have been an accident during the breeding process of other coat variations.
The Personality and Temperament of the White Pitbull
The White Pitbull does not display a separate personality or temperament from any other Pitbull. Pitbulls as a breed typically exhibit the same characteristics or at least have a tendency to show behaviors typical to the breed regardless of coat color.
Pitbulls have a bad reputation for being aggressive, fighting dogs that will attack a person, fellow canine or object at the drop of a hat. They are thought of as unpredictable, unsafe, and downright bullies of the dog world.
These stigmas could not be further from a genuine core of a Pitbull. In fact, many people do not realize that Pitbulls have repeatedly been scored as having calm, friendly, and loving temperaments.

This is particularly true when compared to other dog breeds such as the Poodle, which is typically a rather aggressive dog breed (although they are not intimidating in appearance).
Pitbulls are also scored as more suitable for families with children over the Beagle, Pomeranian, Dachshund, and Border Collie.
Experts continuously rate the Pitbull as a loving, friendly, and family-safe dog breed, but, because of their stigmas and bad reputations, they are often passed over for one of the other dog breeds listed above which are continuously rated more aggressive and less family-friendly.
Pitbulls are in fact some of the best dogs to bring home, especially if you have children.
However, as friendly as Pitbulls are, it could also be viewed as a fault of theirs. You may be wondering how friendliness could possibly be perceived as a fault.
Well, the truth is that Pitbulls are friendly and affectionate towards everyone which makes them one of the worst guard dogs.
Now, they are able to alert their owners of a truly dangerous situation (a fire in the home or an intruder) as well as protect and defend their owners should they be threatened or attacked in the Pitbull’s presence.
Most other times, Pitbulls are welcoming of non-threatening strangers and will often lick their faces upon arrival.

Don’t judge a book by the cover or a dog by his fur
As previously mentioned, the color of a dog’s coat is not an indication of their character. Many potential adopters will seek out the cutest puppy, a particular fur pattern, or coat color.
While this is not necessarily wrong of the potential adopters to do, it is not the best way to find a dog that is compatible with your family dynamic and lifestyle.
If you are a potential adopter that prefers a particular coat color or pattern, then feel free to seek out puppies that meet that criteria. When you do, ignore their appearance and focus on their other (more important) qualities.
What to look for in a Pitbull Puppy (regardless of his/her color)
1. First things first, pay attention to the “puppy area” of the breeder’s home. Is it clean? Is it safe? Is it secure? The puppies should be accustomed to playing and enjoying the outdoors but, they should also be used to coming inside to eat and sleep.
Their puppy area should also be well lit, include various interesting toys, and have fresh, clean water.
2. Spend time with each puppy. If they are sleeping when you arrive, then it is wise to stay until they wake up or reschedule for a better time. If a puppy seems lethargic or weak, then he may be the runt of the litter and may be suffering from an illness.
While this should not discourage you if you bond with the puppy, it is important to pay close attention to his medical needs.
Are there any differences between White Pitbulls and other Pitbulls?
Overall, no. White Pitbulls are simply a different color than other Pitbulls that might be Blue (gray), Red, Black or any variety of other colors and patterns. However, there are a couple of differences between the White Pitbull and other varieties.